Hey folks,
I worked up a few human head sculpts in Zbrush. I was inspired by the fantastic character art from the Last of us, and so I wanted to do something along the same lines. These models will be getting their hair treatment during the low poly phase; stay tuned. Click on either image to view the models.
Hey folks,
Here's a new personal character that I completed. This particular character was largely inspired by the fantastic character designs featured in the Digital Extremes game called Warframe. The design of the character outfits in that game appeal to me as an artist, and so I couldn't wait to create something along the same lines for my portfolio. I had a lot of fun working on this character, and even got to try out a few new tools during the creation process. Click on the image below to view the model renders.
Hey Folks,
I'm starting the new year off with a bang featuring my latest piece. Pacific Rim was one of my favorite movies of 2013, and I loved the designs of the Kaiju so much that I decided to make one of my very own. I present to you Titanus! Titanus is a category 5 Kaiju. Each image render captures him in a different setting, all of which inspired by the terrific film. Feel free to click on the image link below to view the renders.

Hey Folks,
It's been a full year since I've updated my portfolio. Unfortunately, most of what I've been working on since then is currently under wraps. Therefore, in the absence of my professional work, I've decided as a New Years resolution to dust off some of my older sculptures and convert them to game ready meshes. Krobli was the first one up! It's hard to believe, but I sculpted this thing almost five years ago. I've come a long ways as an artist since then. However, despite a few issues, I still think this creation holds up, which is why I decided to take it further. Click on the image to see the end results. The model was rendered in Marmoset Tool Bag 2.

Hey Folks,
In my continued effort to update some of my older pieces, I decided to spruce up my Luna Mermaid. I reworked all of the textures and created a new set of renders. I think this is a stronger take from the old version, which was created back in 2009. You can view the previous version here: http://marcusdublin.homestead.com/LunaOldpage.html I'm glad I decided to give this piece a face lift because I'm much happier with this version overall. Click on the image below to view the results.
Hey Folks,
I recently updated my old werewolf model. This version sports an updated texture pass on all of the textures maps, updated geometry for the hair, and new renders taken in Marmoset ToolBag 2. Click on the image below to view the final results.
Hey Folks,
I made a new set of renders for character that I worked on some 5 years ago. The textures were recalibrated and the renders were taken in Marmoset Toolbag 2. Click on the image to see the results.
Hey Folks,
I decided to dust off my Outlander character model and give it an updated mesh & texture pass with a new set of renders. So this is, in essence, a 1.5 version of the character. The textures have some added detail and are now PBR calibrated using the metalness workflow. The renders were taken in Marmoset Toolbag 2. Click on the image to see the results.
- Marcus
Hey Folks,
Here's an updated remastered version of my Landprey creature. The texture maps have been reworked, as well as the high res sculpt. The renders were taken in Marmoset Toolbag 2. Click on the image to see the results.
- Marcus
Hey Folks,
Here's another set of characters that I recently revisited. The remastered versions for both Grunk and Crunk features updated mesh topology; high poly sculpts, uv's, textures, and presentation renders. I'm glad I decided to rework these models, as the results are way better than the original versions that were created some five years ago. Feel free to click on the image below to view the final results.
- Marcus

Hey Folks,
I remastered another one of my older characters. This time, however, the remastering treatment was far more extensive than my previous efforts thus far. I took the original Elektra asset that was created for the comic con challenge back in 2009 and rebuilt her almost from scratch. The asset was resculpted, remolded, retextured, and given current gen PBR calibrated materials. Despite the upgrade the spirit of the original design is mostly intact, save for a few design enhancements that were added in the remaster treatment. Click on the image below to view the final results.
By the way, you can also check out the original version from 2009 here: Version 1.0
Overall this was a fun exercise. It's great to see an older piece given a new artistic lease on life.
- Marcus

Hey Folks,
I wanted to share some of the character work that I contributed to the critically acclaimed game SOMA. I would like to thank the good folks at Frictional Games for allowing me to help contribute to such a memorable game. Click on the images below to view the characters.
Hey Folks,
Here's a character that's been knocking around my hard drive that I finally decided to complete. I sculpted this character around five years ago. How time flies! I went ahead and polished up the sculpt, and then I turn it into a textured game ready asset. Feel free to click on the image to see the end results. The model was rendered in Marmoset Tool Bag 2.
Hey Folks,
I wanted to share a few of the statues that I made for the game Rise of the Tomb Raider. I was responsible for the highpoly sculpts, game res meshes, and textures. Click on the image below to view the final model assets.
Hey Folks,
Click on the image to view my latest creature model.
Hey Folks,
I wanted to share some of the work that I contributed so far to the upcoming Friday the 13th the game. Featured in the gallery are two versions of Jason's heads that I made. Each version of Jason's body was made by the very talented artist Tito Belgrave. I'd like to thank the good folks at Illfonics, and Gun Media for allowing an early look at some the game assets. Click on the images below to view the characters.

Hey Folks,
I recently updated my Goliath character model, and took it from an old highpoly speed sculpt, to a finished game asset. I originally made the first highpoly sculpt back in 2008 when I was testing out Mudbox version 1. Yeah it was that long ago! Since I love the character and didn't want to retire it from my portfolio, I figured that I should I should give it a second attempt. I have to say that it felt good revisiting this character again after so many years. It's great to see an older piece given a new artistic lease on life.
The updated version features now features a new sculpt, mainly to the upper body and head. The lowpoly and textures are all new using current gen pbr textures. The final images were rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 2.
Click on the image below to view the final results.
By the way, you can also check out the original sculpt version from 2008 here: Old Sclupt Version
- Marcus

Hey Folks,
Here's an another creature sculpt that's been knocking around my hard drive for a few years that I finally decided to turn into a game ready asset. The original sculpt was done in Mudbox around five years ago. It felt great revisiting this creature again after so many years. I got a kick out of seeing it slowly come alive over the last month. Feel free to click on the image to see the end results. The model was rendered in Marmoset Tool Bag 2.
Hey Folks,
Quick Update! Alien Stingray. Click on the image below to view the final results.
Hey Folks,
Quick Update! My latest creature art. Click on the image below to view the final results.
Hey Folks,